Saturday, 28 September 2013

Zurich to Munich and SkyDiving in Interlaken 21/7

Zurich to Munich via SkyDive Interlaken 21/7 - Rohannas couch

I woke up early, had breakfast, packed up my gear and checked out. Took the tram to the train station and caught the earlier train to Interlaken, which took 3hours. I arrived in Interlaken and a little while later the taxi came to pick me up for skydiving. 

At the office they informed us we had to wait until 1pm to jump because the locals complain the chopper is noisy during their lunch break. The jump itself was 430CHF about 500AUD, and I was told I couldn’t use my own GoPro, for ‘safety reasons’, so I forked out another 200 Swiss Francs.
Switzerland was easily living up to its reputation for being expensive, but at least Zurich was a prettier version of Melbourne city, I’ll give it that.

I was then told I had to go later because the 3 stupid Egyptians hadn’t informed them of a cancellation and they wouldn’t fly me solo. But thankfully the company favoured me and gave a hard time. Eventually we were driven up to the helipad on the hill, all suited up, but only to have to wait for a couple of Germans wanting to a scenic flight over the Jurgenfrau.

20minutes later and it was time to jump. We took off and climbed rapidly up the face of steep mountain, then bank through a valley between the alps, and up further when the farm on the top look like little models. In a matter of minutes we went from the bottom of the valley to above the peaks of the majority, where we could see the endless array of snowy covered Alps. Then it was time to jump, Beat my tandem master, slid open the door and a brief moment of ‘oh shit’ factor came over me but soon settled as I had done this before. I then stepped out onto the footstep of the helicopter, looking down on the small towns below and tiny mountain farms, I put my head back and leaned forward, waiting for that feeling of weightlessness and incredible acceleration to termination velocity, it’s a rush like no other, different to the bulls fear and adrenaline, but equally as exciting. The freefall was for about 45seconds, then he pulled the parachute and it quickly deployed and slowed our decent. I took my goggles off and properly took in my surroundings; the two blue lakes and the steep rocky green mountainous cliffs. We landed in a paddock close to the office and I ran back to check the train time tables, the price differed by 100euro so I managed to ditch the Egyptians and got to the station in time.

7hours, two change overs and 157CHF later, I was in Munich. Got off at the Platform No. 26 and saw Rohanna waiting for me, I snuck up amongst the sea of people leaving the train and scared the crap out of her. We then took a train to stations to her apartment, in a very nice place just off the river. Her and her fiancé were both very accommodating, which I was very thankful for.

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